Writing about life and arts

Tag: boredom

  • Where it sings

    Where it sings

    A mind running on the “factory setting” defaults to organizational distraction. Everydayness overtakes what was inherent fascination. A mind surrendering to the television or the internet sits stuck in a ludic loop of changing the channels or flicking to the next app. A mind in search of its stimulation stumbles upon daydreams and mind wandering.…

  • The link between boredom and creativity

    Boredom drives creativity for no other reason than that your mind needs something to latch onto in idle times. When you’re bored, anything goes. Ambiguity and hyperbole are the names of the game. Your mind loves stretching the imagination and embracing irreality. Daydreaming is a thinking activity too Sometimes people are too corrupted by everydayness.…

  • Pursuing boredom for boredom’s sake

    If you can’t stand boredom for boredom’s sake, take on a mundane task to put your mind in a wandering state. Doing the dishes, organizing your vinyl collection, mowing the lawn, and taking a shower are all triggers that help release you from the grip of now. Your brain needs time to chew over all that it…

  • Thinking in the cracks

    Thinking in the cracks

    We think in the cracks all the time. We fill in the blank spaces throughout our day with either fodder or deliberation. The observer internalizes the outside world to create meaning. Not every thought, of course, is worth marveling. Sometimes thoughts are just thoughts — they are arbitrary with no bearing on reality. Just as…

  • Craving light

    Craving light

    Never bored, always on, perpetually entertained. That describes the 21st-century in a nutshell. We medicate all our boredom, stresses, and frustrations to external stimuli on a tiny screen. All an Instagram like does is produce a temporary shot of dopamine. All Facebook does is serve our voyeuristic inclinations and spike envy. Does this behavior sound…

  • A big believer in boredom

    “I’m a big believer in boredom. … All the [technology] stuff is wonderful, but having nothing to do can be wonderful, too.”  Steve Jobs Boredom adds to the mystery of life. When we sit alone with our thoughts, the world breaks open. Nature comes alive. Time slows down and insights emerge from dormancy. The ransacking…