Writing about life and arts

Tag: popularity

  • We make great trends

    We make great trends

    Some people enjoy the process of discovery. They want access to niche communities and discrete resources, trying to “get it” before everyone else. These people are also the incubators of trends, filtering the good from the bad before deciding what goes mainstream. Naturally, the edgy curator loses interest as soon as something becomes a commercial…

  • A window through popularity

    Popularity rarely equates to quality, particularly when it relates to art that’s abundant like books, music, and paintings. It’s impossible to sift through catalogs of content and proclaim one piece better than the other. Popularity is often the result of mass marketing. Budgets dictate following. A bank-backed Universal Studios will always create more awareness than…

  • How status and likability affect your health 

    Popular people live longer. As social animals, the number of friends predetermines our well-being and lifespan. The gregarious live long than loners. But life hinges on authenticity — it is not a popularity contest. The number of people we know means nothing if there’s zero reciprocation. The other person(s) have to like us back. There’s…

  • The unclassifiable

    When we stop becoming someone for everyone, we start to find the right people instead. That’s not to say we want to remain unknown or unclassifiable. One can still ride the wave of uniqueness and make a big splash. Do you think Radiohead cares about the pop charts? The band thrives at the fringes, showing…