Writing about life and arts

The importance of mind recess

The importance of mind recess

Inactivity cultivates new insights.

It’s not so much as being bored as it is the value of pausing.

It’s a good thing we can’t write everything our brain says down on paper. Most of it would be jibberish.

Even when we dictate our thoughts onto the computer, we’re impeding the darts of words from overwhelming our heads.

We make a lot more sense when we slow down and edit.

When it comes to writing or speaking, that little skip of disfluency creates just enough space between the mind and the mouth or the pen to produce something a bit deeper, a bit clearer, in some cases cleverer.

Even the space after a period gives us just enough of a break to our eyes.

Breathe and stop: Persistence follows the fundamental urge to rest.


One response to “The importance of mind recess”

  1. This is totally true. Some of my best thoughts come to me when I’m chopping wood. I jot down the main idea on paper and get back to chopping.