Writing about life and arts

Tag: health

  • Rewind, reset, refresh

    This post may contain sponsored links. Please see the disclosure for more info. The daily grind requires that we rest to reboot. We can only plunge into the day with renewed intensity long enough until the batteries run out. To get on with life and the business of living, we need to dream to sleep. Quieted attention…

  • ‘Grab a leash and take your thoughts for a walk.’

    Said Henry David Thoreau, “Methinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow.” Walking boosts creativity. If you ever get stuck in a creative rut, science shows that you should go for a stroll to get your endorphins moving. As learning scientist Marily Oppezzo notes in her TED presentation below,…

  • ‘Never ask the doctor what you should do. Ask him what he would do if he were in your place’

    “The psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer has a simple heuristic. Never ask the doctor what you should do. Ask him what he would do if he were in your place. You would be surprised at the difference.” Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder gif via Calum Heath

  • Prescribing a walk in nature

    Prescribing a walk in nature

    Get yourself a prescription to nature. It’ll improve your mental and physical health. That’s according to doctors in Scotland who are recommending that people in the Shetland Islands get outside more often. The program outlines a recommended outside activity per month. For instance, in January you can create a windsock to grasp the full power…

  • Hashtag heaven

    Luxury today and tomorrow will be defined by the ability to disconnect, to live a secret life where there’s no need to stay constantly connected for the sole purpose of a future job or fear of missing out. Social media is a poor insurance policy. Except disconnecting is not the goal — moderation is. An…

  • Sitting decreases blood flow to the brain 🧠

    We hear it all the time. Get up and go for a walk. It’s how Walt Whitman jogged the brain so he could keep generating writing ideas. Even Steve Jobs held walking meetings. But now the science proves that taking a quick stroll reactivates the flow of blood to your brain. Scientists at Liverpool’s John…

  • ‘Short sleep predicts a shorter life’

    I never sleep/because sleep is the cousin of death. Nas, ‘New York State of Mind’ Everyone knows sleep is critical few people prioritize it. Some folks think it’s a badge of honor to get five hours a night. But your brain literally eats itself when you don’t sleep.  Sleep is a ‘non-negotiable biological necessity.’ And why…

  • Why sitting is bad for you, animated

    Why sitting is bad for you, animated

    Sitting is the new smoking. While that claim may be a bit exaggerated, it is an effective reminder to remind ourselves to take our body for a walk. The more than 360 joints inside our bodies are also ample evidence that we are built to stand up and move. And while more offices are including…

  • How taking an afternoon ‘nappuccino’ increases productivity ☕💤

    How taking an afternoon ‘nappuccino’ increases productivity ☕💤

    This post may contain sponsored links. Please see the disclosure for more info. Like most people, my brain starts to fizzle out between 2 and 3pm. According to science, this isn’t due to a lunch hangover but rather a part of our circadian rhythm. To preempt the inevitable afternoon slothfulness, author Dan Pink proposes to take a…

  • Yet more evidence that standing at work is better for you than sitting

    A recent study done by researchers at Tel Aviv University validates standing desks. Not only is standing better for your health, it also strengthens your focus. This is because the stress of holding your posture improves selective attention. The Stroop effect The researchers had university students alternate between standing and sitting while testing their reaction time to…

  • Alien Hand Syndrome

    What if you woke up one day and had a brand new second hand that moved on its own? This is what happened to Karen after she had brain surgery to help cure her epilepsy. After her operation, her left hand immediately took on a life of its own. For starters, it immediately began to…