Writing about life and arts

What matters isn't always popular

What matters isn’t always popular




If you’ve ever published anything on the web you know what it’s like when all you hear are crickets. No likes, no comments, no reshares.

You think your content sucks because no one’s acknowledging you. But it’s a misconception to sell your work short, especially if it’s your labor of love.

There are 2.1 billion+ people on the Internet. If you’re writing, acting, or sharing your music someone’s going to connect with you. They may be a fan, a teacher, or someone you admire within your scenius. But you’re never going to appeal to everyone.

“The less reassurance we can give you the more important the work is.”

Seth Godin

All social media is based on reassurance. That’s why most Instagram content looks the same. If you want to guarantee success, you’ll share photos of beaches, dogs, selfies, and food.

“We were raised to do things that work.”

Seth Godin

But why not challenge sameness by trying something new? Go for some tension. Err on the side of being vulnerable if it means you get to make the stuff that makes you happy.

Unlike politics, creativity asks that you own up to being edgy, different. People that make change stand up and take responsibility for causing a ruckus.

“The internet could save your life because it’ll keep you from a lifetime of being told what to do.”

Seth Godin

Choose yourself. The rest follows.

All quotes above are from Seth Godin’s most recent presentation. Watch it below.


31 responses to “What matters isn’t always popular”

  1. Right! It’s all trial and error. Experimentation is ๐Ÿ”‘.

  2. Michelle Paige Avatar
    Michelle Paige

    Super interesting post! When I was creating my blog I thought a lot about this. Do I talk about what I truly want to talk about or what my readers will relate to? I’d like to think I’ve found some kind of a middle ground.

  3. True. Play the long game.

  4. As Seth Godin wrote, “We’re all Weird”

  5. Yeah it’s definitely a balance between what you know people will like versus what you think they’ll like. I think it’s a job the artist — whatever craft it is — to push every once in a while on the edges.

  6. Momma To Go Avatar
    Momma To Go

    I love this, pics of beaches, dogs and food. Although I do like those things… its hard when you content doesnt get the attention you think it will. but you have to kinda figure out how to fix it and move on with stuff your readers will enjoy

  7. Love your post! I really agree with you. Only being ourselves we can stand out. We have just embrace our uniqueness.

  8. myneisslife Avatar

    People don’t give enough attention to how important authenticity is.

  9. Thanks so much for reading!

  10. “Choose yourself. The rest follows…” I LOVE this and your wise words!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  11. Very interesting! I can really relate to the first few sentences of your post. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Love it. Keep going Leila. It’s all about the edges…

  13. LOVE this! I don’t want to do what everyone else is doing. I want to be unique. Individual. Stand out. I figure, eventually I will be spotted and make it big, but until then; I am being me!

  14. This is true. Emulation and then origination ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. sweetsaidy Avatar

    Very interesting post! (:

  16. Good idea. But sometimes monkey see monkey do is the way to success!